It as if all media is caught between, digital sales versus digital subscriptions, versus digital bundles , versus digital free. It is sometimes mind-boggling to see the variations within the same sectors and the sheep like tendencies of others.
This week we have already given our thoughts on the madness of HarperCollins’s library new rules and the fact that they seem unable to engage their brain before opening their mouths.
We now hear that the BBC’s director general, Mark Thompson has announced that the international version of the BBC’s popular iPlayer service, will cost less than $10 a month, which works out at around £73 a year. Nothing wrong with that, until you compare it to the UK annual licence fee, which is £145.50.
So international customers wishing to use the service via their iPad can do so for less than someone in the UK! It is questionable whether the Apple 30% app tax will apply or not but as if they haven’t a clue Thompson is quoted saying, ‘We're exploring internationally what the right pricing and models are ... the most important thing is the consumer pricing is right.’ Well that’s as clear as mud and to make it even worse they still have to clarify exactly what content will be available internationally via the iPlayer app. Last month the BBC launched a much-awaited iPlayer app for the iPad and Android-powered devices.
As some suggest, lets all experiment first think later.
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