We read today in the Bookseller that Hachette Livre is to acquire French digital book distributor Numilog. The move is reported as being designed to 'prepare Hachette Livre for the launch in France of the Sony digital e-book at the end of this year'.
Some may think differently, with HaperCollins buying into and have a board presence in Newsstand (Libre Digital) and Macmillan owning MPS it would make sense that Hachette now are wanting to be in control of their own destiny and not beholden on competitors alliances. Some may think this far more strategic than the previous announcement last year.
Obviously they can also use the facilities to service other third parties and in doing so cross substdise the venture and ensure it has a wider uptake.
Its interesting to note that Numilog holds titles in all formats which again buffers Hachette against any ill winds that may befall the long heralded and yet to appear Sony ebookreader version 3.