The news that Richard Charkin has left Macmillan and joined Bloomsbury is both interesting and intriguing. Jack Charlton when he was appointed as manager of his boyhood team, Newcastle, was asked if he would be there for life. His answer was an emphatic no and said that 5 years was the most he wanted and then it was time for someone new to continue the work and for him to move on. He did just that. Wise words, which are often misunderstood. Obviously these are words that are not lost on Richard.
It is It is a fantastic coup for Bloomsbury and one which will certainly leave a few in no doubt that the group will move with speed and purpose into the digital arena and potentially new markets. In his 10 years at Macmillan he built on the solid foundations and extended its reach into new technology and markets. It also signals the emergence of the new skill set that all publishers will have to embrace and the importance of that blend between technology and business that is all too often too far to either side.
I suppose the blog will now feature Bloomsbury books and authors and less global travel and board meeting schedules, but it will no doubt also have a fresh outlook and view of the challenges ahead. I would expect that Richard will play an even more prominent role the digital environment than he did before.
Congratulations Bloomsbury and Richard and don't give up the blog.